Saturday, April 1, 2017

Our Engagement Story

   Summer of 2014 Kurt and I decided to get married! I was so excited we have dated a whole year and then some so I was thinking it was about time! I was working in the salon at that time and one of the stylist got married in January and said it was so beautiful! I never wanted a winter wedding but I changed my mind on it because I thought it would be pretty! We picked January 10th 2015 it was going to be a Saturday and I thought it would be perfect! Then the date changed I then wanted to do t January 31st 2015... but then again the date changed to January 9th 2015 because of our honeymoon. But I found out that was the day my grandparents got sealed in the Salt Lake Temple and that was the temple we were going to be sealed in. 
     My grandparents passed away while Kurt and I first started to date so Kurt never met them but they were so cool my grandpa was a convert to the LDS church and grew up in West Virginia and fought in WW2. My grandma was a beautiful lady who grew up in Layton Utah and grew up in the church they met and fell in love. My grandpa LOVED golf so I always tell Kurt he would of loved my grandpa. So my family says that my grandparents wanted Kurt and I married because we didn't realize we would be getting married in the same temple and same date.
  Okay so on October 10th 2014 Kurt picked me up from my parents and we told me his friends were having a bonfire at Farmington pond. I said yeah lets go so we got to the pond and it was super dark and then I see all these candles I couldn't help but think why do guys have candles at there bonfire? But I kept walking and then I saw pumpkins saying Will You Marry Me? First thing I said was WHAT THE HECK! I was so shocked and couldn't stop laughing because I was so nervous because you only dream of this! Then Kurt took my hand and said "Raigan I don't know what to say and im so nervous but will you marry me?"  I said yes of course!
After I said yes all of Kurt's family and friends came out of the bushes to congratulate us! I just remember Kurt's mom saying let me see your ring and she shines a light on it and I was like oh yeah what does it look like? Because I wanted Kurt to pick it out because I think that makes is special. He picked out a perfect ring. When we showed my parents he told my mom look it looks like a daisy and that is my favorite flower so every time I look at my ring I think of cute Kurt picking it out and thinking it looks like a daisy.  
After that we drove to my parents to show them the ring they were so happy for Kurt and I. Then we went to Salt lake for cheesecake it was a night to remember for sure. I couldnt sleep that night because I was so excited to spend eternity with my best friend.

 Kurt and I after getting engaged at my parents.
 My grandma

My grandpa I can thank him for my out of control eyebrows lol

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